Sunday, 11 March 2012

Oops, uh-oh, ah crap, and other assorted sayings.

Again, I've been slack.

So sue me.

Anyway, I've been meaning to post this one for a while now.

Richard has many 'sayings' that come out when he is trying to fix something. The reactions from me range from sighing, to ducking for cover.

While this isn't a complete list, it will give you some ideas on what life is like.

Oops - that shouldn't of happened
Uh-oh - that's going to leave a mark
Ah crap - I can't be f**ked fixing this
Oo bugger - I don't think it should be smoking like that
F**k - f**k
Hee hee - I've always wanted to do that
Hmmm - WTF am I looking at?
Maniacal laughter - Daddy told me it would explode if I did that
*pop* - *giggle*
*bang* - *snigger*
*BANG!!!* - refer to entry for 'f**k'
*tinkle tinkle* - refer to entry for 'maniacal laughter'
Dude, perhaps you should let me have a look at that - Dude, WTF were you thinking?
Bollocks - That's f**ked it (sometimes 'I've f**ked it')
Leave it with me - before you can f**k it any worse
Lets find you a cheap replacement - 'You eediot' (see attached url if you don't recognise it)

As I said, not all his sayings, but enough to keep me ducking for cover.